
dumps dict data to a string as xml

dumping a string

Dumps a dictionary to a string formatted as XML.

Basic Example of dumping data to a string using default positional parameters

xml_string = maci.xmldumpstrdict(data)

In this example, we simply dump data to a string using the xmldumpstrdict function and pass dictionary data as an argument to the function, and assign the returned data to a variable.

partner functions

Functions that are related for xml as dict

maci.xmlloaddict -> Loads xml data from a file as dict maci.xmlloadstrdict -> Loads xml data from a string as dict maci.xmldumpdict -> Dumps xml data to a file from dict

parameters & arguments

Describes all parameter functionality and accepted data types

data: dict[str, Any]

First and only required positional argument. Accepts dictionaries

Use this parameter to pass in the data you want to dump to a string.

pretty: bool

Optional parameter. Accepts booleans. Default = True

Use this parameter to enable automatic indentation writes on sub-elements. Disable if you want all xml data to be in one line.

full_doc: bool

Optional parameter. Accepts booleans. Default = True

Use this parameter to enable output to be a complete xml document, which includes the xml declaration at the top. Default is enabled for formal xml document info. Disabling is useful when you only need a portion of an XML document or when you are generating xml.

This function uses the xmltodict library installed as a dependency from pypi for its underlying functionality. For more information on xmltodict, visit:

Security awareness: It is important to evaluate handling XML data carefully as there are known vulnerabilities in dealing with XML data. Please refer to the official python documentation.

Last updated